Commun1ty offers a fun and interactive way to explore your neighbourhood. Whether you're new to the area or a long-time resident, let us help you uncover hidden gems and new experiences that you might have otherwise missed.
Discover and engage with your neighbourhood
Experience more with others! Whether it’s discussing something you’re passionate about, playing sports, or eating out, you’ll have a more rewarding experience when you do things with others. It’s all in the power of your hands.
Connect with real people and build community
It takes a tribe to raise a child, and we’re blessed to have a community filled with love and support from our neighbours and local businesses. Together, we’ve come so far and accomplished so much. Now, it’s our turn to give back and nurture our community!
Support your neighbourhood and help it grow!
Running a business is tough. That's why we we’re working on simple and easy solutions to help digitise your local business. With Commun1ty, you can streamline your operations and focus on what really matters - growing your business and achieving your dreams!
Digital solutions for local businesses
We believe that local businesses are the backbone of every community, and we’re committed to providing you with the digital platform and tools you need to succeed. Expand your reach and attract new customers while keeping your local base coming back for more. Together, let’s strengthen the local community!